Diagnostic Imaging.com
By: Emily Hayes
With popular actresses Sally Field and Andie MacDowell looking on, Dr. Etta Pisano picked up a Ladies Home Journal Health Breakthrough award last year, in recognition of her work in promoting better screening for breast cancer. Pisano, a professor of radiology and biomedical engineering at the University of North Carolina, was principal investigator in the Digital Mammography Imaging Screening Trial, a multicenter study of almost 50,000 women.
The Ladies Home Journal event was a landmark for radiology, and mammography in particular, publicizing the role of imaging in detecting and managing a high-profile disease. It also led to stories in the mainstream media that are sending a strong message to the general public: Digital can mean the difference between life and death for some women, particularly those with dense breasts.
That message has not been lost on U.S. women of screening age. More and more, breast imagers report that women are asking about digital mammography, feeding a shift that is bringing the digital modality well into the mainstream.
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